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10 Soal Descriptive Text, Comparative and superlative forms

Descriptive Text: Character, Object, Place descriptions Comparative and superlative forms | Kumpulan 

Total pertanyaan: 10 | Estimasi pengerjaan: 5 menit

  1. Read the question about Comparative Degree. Choose the correct answer. Whether you are a history enthusiast or simply seeking to admire stunning architecture, Maimun Palace is.

    1. worthier than others
    2. the worthiestest
    3. worth a visit
    4. the worthiest
    5. more worthy
  2. Read the question about Comparative Degree. Choose the correct answer. What is the comparative form of the adjective "lavish" used to describe the decorations in the Throne Room?

    1. lavishier
    2. lavisher
    3. lavishierest
    4. lavishest
    5. more lavish
  3. Read the question about Comparative Degree. Choose the correct answer. The text mentions that Maimun Palace offers a panoramic view of Medan city from its iconic tower. How is this view described?

    1. The view is the more breathtaking than any other tower.
    2. The view is less breathtaking than expected.
    3. The view is more breathtaking than any other tower.
    4. The view is breathtaking but not the best in North Sumatra.
    5. The view is the most breathtaking in Medan.
  4. Read the question about Superlative Degree. Choose the correct answer. What is the superlative form of the adjective "distinct" used to describe the yellow exterior of Maimun Palace?

    1. distinctlier
    2. distincter
    3. distinctest
    4. distinctestly
    5. most distinct
  5. Read the question about Superlative Degree. Choose the correct answer. What is the superlative form of the adjective "impressive" used to describe the gate of Maimun Palace?

    1. more impressive
    2. impressivest
    3. most impressive
    4. impressivest
    5. impressiver
  6. Read the question about Superlative Degree. Choose the correct answer. How does the text describe the throne in the Throne Room of Maimun Palace?

    1. The throne is impressively decorated.
    2. The throne is the most lavish in the region.
    3. The throne is the most beautiful among the decorations.
    4. The throne is more impressive than any other in the palace.
    5. The throne is impressivest in the entire palace.
  7. Read the question about Superlative Degree. Choose the correct answer. In what way does the text describe the collection of artifacts in Maimun Palace?

    1. The collection is the most extensive in North Sumatra.
    2. The collection is more extensive than other museums.
    3. The collection is the impressivest in Medan.
    4. The collection is impressively diverse.
    5. The collection is the most valuable among other exhibits.
  8. Read the question about Superlative Degree. Choose the correct answer. The architecture of Maimun Palace is in the region.

    1. the stunningest
    2. stunninger
    3. more stunning
    4. the most stunning
    5. stunning
  9. Read the question about Superlative Degree. Choose the correct answer. Maimun Palace stands as testament to the legacy of the Sultanate of Deli.

    1. the greater
    2. greater
    3. greatest
    4. great
    5. the greatest
  10. Read the question about Superlative Degree. Choose the correct answer. Maimun Palace is known as historical landmark in North Sumatra.

    1. the most unique
    2. a unique
    3. more unique
    4. uniquer
    5. most unique

Kunci Jawaban

1. a) worthier than others
2. e) more lavish
3. c) The view is more breathtaking than any other tower.
4. e) most distinct
5. c) most impressive
6. b) The throne is the most lavish in the region.
7. a) The collection is the most extensive in North Sumatra.
8. d) the most stunning
9. e) the greatest
10. a) the most unique

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